应用案例Case Story II
位于上海嘉定区的上海爱知锻造有限公司是上汽汽车锻造有限公司的合资公司,客户要对发动机的内壳腔体进行打磨操作,由于是金属打磨,所以粉尘具有一定的质量和速度,客户在打磨的时候根据打磨的位置,需要对吸风口做适当的调整 (YongDeLi Technology(Wuxi) Co.,Ltd ‘s new factory located in the Singapore Industrial Zone,Wuxi City,which has10 welding positions and 80 meters pipe. The ten welding positions will all on work at the same.It’s used TIG welding technology.)
Kaai Solution卡艾环境解决方案:
我们为客户选用了5台Nederman的Filterbox系列的移动式粉尘烟尘过滤器,该过滤器移动方便,远程开关,定位灵活的动臂,来满足客户的需求 We chose 5 for the customer Nederman Filterbox series mobile dust dust filter, the filter mobile convenience, remote switch, convenient movement and positioning of the flexible arm, can meet the needs of customers
Results and Comments安装效果与评价:
效果十分明显,绝大部分焊烟从发生源头被吸走,继而净化和处理。客户对我们的方案和尼的曼产品的品质非常满意,后期会继续购买 It plays important role,most of the fume are extracted at source,then be cleaned. The customer is very satifided with the quality of Nederman product.